IT revolution in areas of Sindh

IT revolution in rural areas of Sindh IT Revolution started In September 2022 I Abul Kalam took a step to share what I have learned and earned in my professional career to the Flood 2022 victims of Pakistan. While everyone were busy doing charity and going abroad for jobs but we decided to bring jobs from abroad to rural areas of Sindh specially flood effected victims of Pakistan because Flood 2022 was one of the worst in Pakistan's history. We started from nothing and no support from anyone but from Allah's will I personally left my businesses in the city Hyderabad and started a software house in remote areas so that I can train the people who have no idea what they can do with information technology these days and how much they can earn for their livelihood. You can find total history about this initiative here. Many people supported me after when I shared a post on my LinkedIn…

Free technical courses campaign for flood victims

Free technical courses campaign for flood victims in Sindh,Pakistan I started Free technical courses of IT here is the reason why. Floods in Pakistan 2022 Pakistan had a worst flood in 2022 in the history. Most of people in KPK , Balouchistan and Sindh have lost their homes , farms and their businesses. Around Millions of Pakistanis became homeless and desperate for food and shelter. I Abul Kalam started some relief campaign on my own and with my family. We started to do some charity and voluntarily provide shelters and facilitated more than 143+ people by providing more than 30+ rooms and 100 + Rashan bags and much more. So I realised that this is not enough even for those which we facilitated here because food is finite , charity will run out then what they will do after that? Because they lost their homes , farms and all local businesses they left nothing but their lives. So as I…

How to fix fatal: remote origin already exists Git

fatal: remote origin already exists. fatal: remote origin already exists When you try to add a origin by using: git remote add origin 'YOUR-ORIGIN-URL' Most of times it works but sometimes it says fatal: remote origin already exists. because the origin was already there and you added multiple times by mistake. So to avoid this problem you need check what origins are there first by using git remote -v We will see all origins in your git local repository if you find doubles or single but not working and still same issue then try below solution. Solution git remote remove origin It will remove all origins from your local git repository then you can add origin again using git remote add origin 'YOUR-ORIGIN-URL' It will be resolved Happy coding 😎 You can reach me out at Find more solutions and some useful projects / codes here or at ITcians
Cloud Mate: A Photo sharing Flutter app

Cloud Mate: A Photo sharing Flutter app

What is Cloud Mate? Your Cloud Mate is here if you are the photographer in your friend's circle ? You must had a problem when your friends asked you to share their pictures individually?Don't worry! Cloud Mate gives you an opportunity to capture/share images and videos with your friends without huge efforts and even the same quality of your camera also without saving on your device! Cloud Mate: A Photo sharing Flutter app About Cloud Mate App This app is made with Flutter and Getx for state management. I made this project for client for while doing remote freelancing. It took 15days to complete this app on my own. App is available on Google Play Store. It's also configured and tested on IOS too. I developed this app using Flutter and MVC coding pattern using Getx which brought me a very smooth experience. This app is backed by FIrebase cloud to store data and media files uploaded by users. The…
Android Smart Keyboard App JASIK (Just a Smart Intelligent Keyboard)

Custom Android Smart Keyboard App made by Abul Kalam

Android Smart Keyboard App JASIK (Just a Smart Intelligent Keyboard) Have you forgot any event or hangout ? Or have you forgot something to buy which your wife's said in a text ? We are all same bro 😅. So I decided to develop Android Smart Keyboard App with Java which reminds me automatically for such events So I made a keyboard which can sense such type of text you type while chatting with anyone in any app! Suppose your are chatting with your boss and he/she says Don't be late for the business meeting with investor at Pearl Continental hotel around 11am. And you be like Absolutely boss I will be at Pearl Continental hotel before 11am tomorrow! Then the app will sense that message you have send and it will set reminder before 1/2 of actual time or custom can be set in the setting and also location based alarm. YEAH here is the most amazing part of…
currency detector app

Pakistani Currency Detector Android App

Currency detector android app (Native Java) My First App in Freelancing Career The currency detector android app is made for android platform using programming language Java. This was my first paid project as a freelancer. I started freelancing in Dec-2019. This was my first app for a client I have found from the facebook and got paid just a small amount but it was worth it! Because it was my first experience as a freelancer. Do you know the most amazing part of it ? That I didn't got scammed like other freelancers who started from unauthenticated platforms. Enough about me let's talk about this app now: App Description This app is for visually impaired people who have natural problem in identifying objects or unable to see objects. So this app is voice activated and text to speech integrated. Which means you can tap on screen and it will open the camera and look for a currency note. If camera…