How to solve: Error (Xcode): Flutter failed to write to a file

I wasted two days of mine to resolve this issue which occurs when you build IOS from flutter project. Error Xcode: Flutter failed to write to a file Error (Xcode): Flutter failed to write to a file at “~/2/build/ios/Release-iphoneos/.last_build_id”. This issue occurs due because cache and versions mismatch in dependencies while overriding a project from other systems. I resolved issue from this answer on Stackoverflow. Solution You can resolve it with following steps: Update your Xcode project build option ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING to 'No'. Because it will stop executing your user scripting before building project which causes this problem. The mismatch versions of your user/system causes this error. Thanks to Pratik.Follow me on Medium. For tips checkout my blogs here
Currency Detector

How to make currency detector android app with Java How to make currency detector android app with Java  How to make currency detector android app with Java  This app is made for visually impaired people to Detect Pakistani Currency note values also if the currency note is not properly visible in camera then app will speak for navigations. Once the note appears properly in camera then image is auto captured and results will be spoken out by Text To Speech engine on android. This app was one of my first project in Freelance that I have developed in my career so the coding styling and logics are very poor but you can have an Idea about it. I used OCR to detect texts on currency note and compared with the data simply to achieve this. Technologies Used Java Android Studio OCR Download Source Code from Github. More projects can be found here.

How to fix fatal: remote origin already exists Git

fatal: remote origin already exists. fatal: remote origin already exists When you try to add a origin by using: git remote add origin 'YOUR-ORIGIN-URL' Most of times it works but sometimes it says fatal: remote origin already exists. because the origin was already there and you added multiple times by mistake. So to avoid this problem you need check what origins are there first by using git remote -v We will see all origins in your git local repository if you find doubles or single but not working and still same issue then try below solution. Solution git remote remove origin It will remove all origins from your local git repository then you can add origin again using git remote add origin 'YOUR-ORIGIN-URL' It will be resolved Happy coding 😎 You can reach me out at Find more solutions and some useful projects / codes here or at ITcians