UI/UX ڇا آهي ۽ ان ۾ فري لانسنگ ڪيئن شروع ڪجي

اسان نئون ڪورس شروع ڪيو آهي جنهن کي UI ڊيزائننگ سڏيو ويندو آهي. هن ڪورس بابت سکو ۽ هڪ مهيني اندر ڪجهه پئسا ڪمائڻ شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ سٺي گرفت ٺاهيو. هن ڪورس ۾ توهان سافٽ ويئر جي يوزر انٽرفيس کي ڊزائين ڪرڻ جي باري ۾ سکندا. هي فيلڊ فري لانسنگ ۾ رجحان ساز مهارتن مان هڪ آهي ۽ 2023 ۾ تمام گهڻو ادا ڪيل آهي. توهان هڪ اسڪرين وڪرو ڪري سگهو ٿا PKR500 کان PKR10,000 تائين! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUgIKAlzQPs وڌيڪ ليڪچرز لاءِ اسان جي ايپ ڊائون لوڊ ڪريو

What is Freelancing and how to start in 2023?

What is Freelancing and How to start in 2023 What is Freelancing and How to start in 2023. You must heard about freelancing and wonder how people are earning millions from it. Freelancing simply means earn from a skill. I started freelancing as app developer in 2019 by finding my very first client from Facebook. Then expanded my network and enhanced my skills further more and not limited to the app development. In my experience freelancing is sweet tip and a side and flexible earning if you know how to do it. Recently I appeared on some news channel by promoting Free IT Courses for Flood Victims campaign in Sindh, Pakistan. I received almost 2k messages on my WhatsApp and I was shocked the people of Pakistan are still unaware of the freelancing and asking such childish questions!. So I decided to create some guiding videos for them because most of the influencers and YouTubers in Pakistan are miss guiding…

How to fix fatal: remote origin already exists Git

fatal: remote origin already exists. fatal: remote origin already exists When you try to add a origin by using: git remote add origin 'YOUR-ORIGIN-URL' Most of times it works but sometimes it says fatal: remote origin already exists. because the origin was already there and you added multiple times by mistake. So to avoid this problem you need check what origins are there first by using git remote -v We will see all origins in your git local repository if you find doubles or single but not working and still same issue then try below solution. Solution git remote remove origin It will remove all origins from your local git repository then you can add origin again using git remote add origin 'YOUR-ORIGIN-URL' It will be resolved Happy coding 😎 You can reach me out at Find more solutions and some useful projects / codes here or at ITcians