Currency Detector

How to make currency detector android app with Java How to make currency detector android app with Java  How to make currency detector android app with Java  This app is made for visually impaired people to Detect Pakistani Currency note values also if the currency note is not properly visible in camera then app will speak for navigations. Once the note appears properly in camera then image is auto captured and results will be spoken out by Text To Speech engine on android. This app was one of my first project in Freelance that I have developed in my career so the coding styling and logics are very poor but you can have an Idea about it. I used OCR to detect texts on currency note and compared with the data simply to achieve this. Technologies Used Java Android Studio OCR Download Source Code from Github. More projects can be found here.
currency detector app

Pakistani Currency Detector Android App

Currency detector android app (Native Java) My First App in Freelancing Career The currency detector android app is made for android platform using programming language Java. This was my first paid project as a freelancer. I started freelancing in Dec-2019. This was my first app for a client I have found from the facebook and got paid just a small amount but it was worth it! Because it was my first experience as a freelancer. Do you know the most amazing part of it ? That I didn't got scammed like other freelancers who started from unauthenticated platforms. Enough about me let's talk about this app now: App Description This app is for visually impaired people who have natural problem in identifying objects or unable to see objects. So this app is voice activated and text to speech integrated. Which means you can tap on screen and it will open the camera and look for a currency note. If camera…