Empathy in Action: Quran Recitation for Palestinian Children in Gaza

Empathy in Action: Quran Recitation for Palestinian Children in Gaza

Empathy in Action: Quran Recitation for Palestinian Children in Gaza Quran Recitation from the children for the children of war! I know it's nothing but the best we could was to arrange Quran Recitation and food offering after Friday prayer from children of Madarasa in Thar Parkar , Sindh Pakistan for martyred children in gaza. May Allah accept our prayers and efforts. Give hand to who is fallen , Share food when you can afford , Offer prayers who you can't help but don't ignore the Humanity of any race! This is how we are going to make difference and that's how we will create peace. Be helping hand when you have nothing and be a shelter/home when you have everything I encourage all of you brothers and sisters that keep praying for the peace and let Allah decide what's the best. #gazaunderattack #genocide #palestineunderattack #childrensrights #gazabombing #gazastrip #israelpalestinewar #israeliterrorism #humanity

How to do web scraping with Flutter

How to do web scraping with Flutter In the realm of digital innovation, web scraping or web crawler has emerged as a powerful tool, revolutionising the way we access and analyse data. In this article, we are exploring its application in the context of the National Football League (NFL) and shedding light on a pioneering Flutter app that harnesses this technology to provide users with a unique and immersive NFL experience. The Essence of Web Scraping: Its essence, is the automated extraction of data from websites. It enables the retrieval of valuable information, transforming raw data into structured and meaningful insights. In the context of sports, web scraping allows enthusiasts to access real-time scores, player statistics, and other pertinent details without the need for manual data entry. https://youtube.com/shorts/iNp3jjPwWjs?si=BH5nzub00DEZxCJB Bridging the Gap in Flutter:  By leveraging this technology, This app scrapes data from various NFL sources, aggregating a comprehensive repository of information. This includes only super bowl history for now just to…