Posted inAndroid Apps Flutter Freelancing Mobile Apps Projects
Cloud Mate: A Photo sharing Flutter app
What is Cloud Mate? Your Cloud Mate is here if you are the photographer in your friend's circle ? You must had a problem when your friends asked you to share their pictures individually?Don't worry! Cloud Mate gives you an opportunity to capture/share images and videos with your friends without huge efforts and even the same quality of your camera also without saving on your device! Cloud Mate: A Photo sharing Flutter app About Cloud Mate App This app is made with Flutter and Getx for state management. I made this project for client for while doing remote freelancing. It took 15days to complete this app on my own. App is available on Google Play Store. It's also configured and tested on IOS too. I developed this app using Flutter and MVC coding pattern using Getx which brought me a very smooth experience. This app is backed by FIrebase cloud to store data and media files uploaded by users. The…