Step Up and Stand Out: A Guide to Raising a Freelance Army and Reviving Pakistan’s Economy Empower Yourself with Freelancing to Fight Pakistan’s Economic Challenges . Are you tired of being stuck in a dead-end job or looking for a way to overcome Pakistan’s economic struggles? If so, it’s time to take control of your […]

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What is UI/UX and how to learn? Top 3 highly paid skill

  • Abul Kalam
  • February 1, 2023
  • 2 min read

What is UI/UX and how to learn? Learn about it in my new upcoming free course series What is UI/UX ? Both belongs to designing field. User Interface (UI) a graphical representation which can be viewed by a end user. In simple terms a view which can be viewed at any digital screen. User Experience […]

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اسان نئون ڪورس شروع ڪيو آهي جنهن کي UI ڊيزائننگ سڏيو ويندو آهي. هن ڪورس بابت سکو ۽ هڪ مهيني اندر ڪجهه پئسا ڪمائڻ شروع ڪرڻ لاءِ سٺي گرفت ٺاهيو. هن ڪورس ۾ توهان سافٽ ويئر جي يوزر انٽرفيس کي ڊزائين ڪرڻ جي باري ۾ سکندا. هي فيلڊ فري لانسنگ ۾ رجحان ساز مهارتن مان […]

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How to save Pakistan in this economical crises

  • Abul Kalam
  • January 29, 2023
  • 4 min read

How to save Pakistan in this economical crises Unleashing Pakistan’s Potential: Building a Strong Freelancing Army to Improve the Economy at Sunday January-29 1100 hour I Abul Kalam with ITcians, we organise an IQ test for scholarship program for free education in freelancing and technical skills development. Total 21 boys attempted test and with average […]

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Electricity breakdown in Pakistan and how to solve

  • Abul Kalam
  • January 23, 2023
  • 1 min read

پاڪستان ۾ بجلي جو بريڪ ڊائون Electricity breakdown in Pakistan Electricity breakdown in Pakistan on 23 Jan 2023! Pakistan has lost electricity due to unfortunate events. We are Pakistani and we should take a step to resolve the issues of our country instead creating disturbance or creating memes!. Here are few examples you can do […]

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What is Freelancing and how to start in 2023?

  • Abul Kalam
  • January 21, 2023
  • 2 min read

What is Freelancing and How to start in 2023. You must heard about freelancing and wonder how people are earning millions from it. Freelancing simply means earn from a skill. I started freelancing as app developer in 2019 by finding my very first client from Facebook. Then expanded my network and enhanced my skills further […]

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IT revolution in areas of Sindh

  • Abul Kalam
  • December 30, 2022
  • 2 min read

IT Revolution started In September 2022 I Abul Kalam took a step to share what I have learned and earned in my professional career to the Flood 2022 victims of Pakistan. While everyone were busy doing charity and going abroad for jobs but we decided to bring jobs from abroad to rural areas of Sindh […]

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Free technical courses campaign for flood victims

  • Abul Kalam
  • December 21, 2022
  • 4 min read

I started Free technical courses of IT here is the reason why. Floods in Pakistan 2022 Pakistan had a worst flood in 2022 in the history. Most of people in KPK , Balouchistan and Sindh have lost their homes , farms and their businesses. Around Millions of Pakistanis became homeless and desperate for food and […]

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How to fix fatal: remote origin already exists Git

  • Abul Kalam
  • December 7, 2022
  • 1 min read

When you try to add a origin by using: git remote add origin ‘YOUR-ORIGIN-URL’ Most of times it works but sometimes it says fatal: remote origin already exists. because the origin was already there and you added multiple times by mistake. So to avoid this problem you need check what origins are there first by […]

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Custom Android Smart Keyboard App made by Abul Kalam

  • Abul Kalam
  • June 11, 2020
  • 2 min read

Android Smart Keyboard App JASIK (Just a Smart Intelligent Keyboard) Have you forgot any event or hangout ? Or have you forgot something to buy which your wife’s said in a text ? We are all same bro 😅. So I decided to develop Android Smart Keyboard App with Java which reminds me automatically for […]

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